Trip Report


Input into the decision making process should include but not be
limited to persons who have been working directly on the programs,
Marshall island representatives and the legal representatives
from the affected islands.
It is my understanding that BNL has prepared several health
care options for DOE review.
I suggest that perhaps the people of those islands and the
U.S. Government interests might be better served by having the
Interagency Group develop a policy position based on a plan
which considers the long term impact of what we do and then
tasking an organization with policy implementation.
That DOE review the content of the BNL tapes covering the
Rongelap and Utirik meetings to determine whether BNL and PASO
statements are all consistent with the DOE policy.
I believe there were statements made that bear this review as


When Dr, Pratt told the people of Utirik he “didn't know"
what N.A. Greenhouse'’s windmill apparatus was for it
indicated to me a basic lack of communication as to DOE
programs in the Marshalls.


People were told that Dr. Pratt supported double
compensation ($50,000) for persons with two thyroid


Dr. Pratt also committed his support to expanded health
care by U.S.

Government and said the decision to that end

was now being made in Washington.
I am not commenting as to what the U.S. Government should
or should not do, rather I suggest that statements of this
nature could cast the government in a bad light as far as
the Marshallese are concerned if what BNL supports as a
DOE contractor does not become U.S. policy either quickly
or at all.

be Tore.

HUB: jhf



Program Liaison Officer

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