Trip Report



From all indications the trip was virtually a 100% success from the
medical mission point of view.
It was the first time in two years that
x-rays were taken,
In spite of the very strained personal relationships
the logistics support afforded by U.S. Oceanography was outstanding.
Time constraints from the time the contract was let until the sailing
date did not allow for everything being done that was planned but
with steps taken

(see Recommendations)

to correct a few deficiencies,

future trips will be even better.
The Base Commander and his staff, and the Base support contractor,
Global Associates provided DOE with excellent support.







The people of Rongelap and Utirik as well as those I met on Ebeye were
generally cooperative in spite of the many problems which understandably
have occurred over the years,
They appreciated having a DOE representative available to address their questions.
A good relationship
seems to exist between the effected people and BNL but in the past
this relationship has proven fragile. The body of the report and
recommendations suggest potential problem areas and at least some
steps which can be taken to provide a better service.

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