Trip Report


One hour before docking on Kwajalein Dr. Pratt told me that something
had been bothering him the whole trip and he wanted me to get an
answer for him,
I asked him what the problem was and he said that
he didn't know where the life jackets were on the ship.
I found it
strange that after 13 days at sea he finally got this worry off
his chest to me rather than the Captain.
The life vests were
located and pointed out to him.
Prior to leaving Kwajalein I met with Don McAfee and COL Reeve
individually and thanked them for the truly superb assistance
we got from Global and the military staff.
John Iaman asked me to assist him and the three other men from Majuro

in getting on the Army Electra the next day because they were on Air Mic
standby for three days.
I did and they went.
The last remaining incident was that I met with Mr. Howard Ladd on
Howard is the former Economic Development Officer for the
Marshallese and now works as Director, Project Development, for
Global Associates.

JI also met Mr. Rick Hatton,

Vice President of

Marketing for International Air Service Company. As a joint venture
they are bringing a sky van to Majuro to serve primarily as a
commuter run between Kwajalein and Majuro.
This has been cleared
with Air Micronesia and the van should arrive within the next 60
They would be willing at their own expense to install strips
elsewhere (Kili? Rongelap? Utirik?) if they knew they would have some
guaranteed business from someone like DOE.

This looks to me like

a service we could well utilize down the road.
of Enewetak.


Ladd will detail

I am thinking also

this all in written form and convey

it to Roger Ray with a copy to our office.

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