Trip Report


of the 300 persons on Utirik showed up and that surely there were
some that did not fully understand the whole messy per diem subject.
I suggested that it would be a natural thing for an individual to assume
these per diem benefits are available to them just by virtue of the
fact that it is a BNL referral.
It is better to be a bit repetitive than
to create bad will down the line. He walked away allowing as to how
Dr. Iaman or no one else would explain anything to the patient until
she was better, JI told Dr. Iaman of Pratt's reaction and he told
the patient and escort on his own that they were not going to get

per diem,

A nice party was held on shore that evening at 6PM in the school,
It was supposed to be a joint party since we were leaving a day
earlier than planned but there was a misunderstanding in Dr. Pratt's
discussion with the Magistrate.
There were many "I'm sorrys"
from the Utirik people but there was great dancing and singing while BNL
passed out Diet Pepsis, oranges and apples.
The spokesman had many
nice things to say about the medical team and presented them and the
Captain with handicraft.
The people were also really appreciative
of the work done by U.S. Oceanography to repair the community boat
and they presented Otterman with a beautiful canoe, although not
at the party.
On Thursday Dr. Pratt wanted only 8 people on board for examinations.
This was accomplished including the last of the exposed people.
He had
told people at the party that four doctors would be ashore to hold
Sick call.
The people took him at his word but only he went
ashore that morning with J, Iaman who took histories,
This resulted
in 20 people left at the dispensary who were not seen,
to Dr. Iaman this was not well received by the people.
Taman also wants TT personnel to receive what BNL people get in the
way of per diem and expenses on Kwajalein and on board ship.
people get $18 per day plus their hotel on Kwajalein and $18 per day
on board ship minus the $6.00 S&Q charge.
We left Utirik at 2:30p and at 10:30 that evening the highlight of the
trip came to pass,
The pregnant lady,
gave birth toa
6 1b, boy.
She and her mother were in a center room of the medical

van on deck and I was sleeping on a mattress just a few feet away.
Grandma woke me, I got Dr. Iaman and 10 minutes later the child
was born, Three doctors and grandma all got seasick during the

episode and the midwife (yours truly) didn't feel too hot either.
Mother and child were well and remained so until the time I left
for Honolulu.




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