Trip Report


I spoke further with Jenuk Kabua, a Marshallese head nurse from Ebeye,
who has been on BNL payroll for about a year but had been part of
the BNL team for several years,
She said that Dr. Grant never took
any medicine on shore from the Wheeling and that sick calls on
Rongelap and Utirik have been lasting only 20 minutes.
I made up my mind to attend the next morning's sick call.
The meeting of the medical group never came about but Dr. Pratt asked
to see Otterman and myself on Tuesday morning.
He said he had heard that
Otterman was discussing general health problems and sick call problems
with members of his medical team and asked that if problems surfaced
that they be brought to his attention first.
This was agreed.
also reiterated his intent to fire Dr. Grant.
He then told us that
after conducting the exams on board he would take his whole team
ashore to hold sick call.
To me this was a major break through,
and should have occurred on Rongelap as we had plenty of time.
He told us again that the Brookhaven mandate was research and only
with left over money in the budget could general health care be
addressed per agreement with TTPI.
Dr. Nicoloff had talked with Dr. Pratt earlier on the sick call subject
and I suspected that was one of the main reasons for Pratt's decision.
J. Nicoloff should be debriefed if at all possible, as he and his
wife Ruth were a very respected and a stabilizing influence to this
I attended Dr. Grant's sick call,
It lasted for about 1-1/2
hours and many people were seen,

Jenuk said it was much better than

previously but thought it was due to my attendance. Jenuk told me
yesterday that she told Dr. Grant she would remain on shore to give
"well baby" inoculations.
Grant gave her one disposal syringe to do
the work,
She told him that she couldn't use just one for the whole
group and there was an English speaking Marshallese person who
overhead all this and said if anybody tried to do that with her child
she would contact Ataji Balos immediately. Jenuk told Pratt who told
her to take as many syringes ashore as she needed,
Jenuk told me
today there are real undercurrents and people want to see Dr, Iaman,
not Dr.


On Wednesday, February 14, the medical team found an 8-mo. pregnant
ijady with high blood pressure and she was to go with us to Kwajalein.

We had a lot of rain and have only got 25 patients on board by 1:00p,
which actually was a pretty fair number.
Dr. Pratt seemed much more
relaxed which I attributed to the program working so well.
U.S. Oceanography, at their own initiative and after discussing with

the Magistrate, marked the Utirik channel with divers, a large buoy and


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