Trip Report


Pratt: Many people have had thyroid problems but many people
also died of something else before their thyroid problems killed
"If I (Pratt) had problem I would like to have it removed
although there is a good chance I could live my life out without
having it removed. I believe that a person with two or three
operations should be compensated for each but I don't make policy.
I recommend to DOE,

then DOE


asks Congress to appropriate




more money.
Next time we will bring a pediatrician and then will
ask DOE and Congress if we can bring dentists".
Are only exposed people entitledto per diem.
25 years ago three groups were set up as Rongelapexposed, Utirik-exposed, and Rongelap controlled.
25 years ago
scientists felt these were the people that should be studied.
I am told that the Rongelap-controlled group has no thyroid problems
but Utirik unexposed have problems.
I will give a study showing that the thyroid problems for
Rongelap-controlled people range about half way between the
Rongelap~exposed and Utirik~exposed.


Two people from Utirik that were unexposed were given I.D.s and
operated on.

Conard has done this by his own personal decision.

Why don't you give Wilson and others who are in a Similar situation
I.D. cards?


What about the exposed people that died?


Problem is that there must be an autopsy but knowing your
custom we have no way to get this information.
If people can give
evidence that deaths were radiation-related we will consider


Do deceased persons' families get the $1,000.


I have no authority to do this but I will talk to DOE
about it,


Will call Judy Knapp and get answer back to Magistrate.

There is no housing for medical referrals on Majuro?

Select target paragraph3