Trip Report


BNL felt would be available for examination (about 97 people).
The previous night the ship shot off its “cannon" stuffed with
The next morning the Magistrate told me that he was told that
a small boy was hit on the thigh with a projectile from the "cannon",
I was shown the missile which alledgedly hit the boy and it was a smoke
type flare that usually is thrown by hand into the water.
It was
not damaged but was a bit corroded.
I showed this flare to Otterman and
he talked with his crew and said that the cannon was only stuffed
with toilet paper and they would never do something as mindless as
putting ina projectile. Second, the angle of the cannon would not
allow a projectile to go that distance. And third, the flare was
not damaged but had it been fired from the cannon it would be badly
I could only account for the flare being on the beach
attributable to its floating in.
The flare definitely came from the
Liktanur II but I believe it was one used two nights previous.
Anyway, nobody washurt and the Magistrate said “no problem",
He felt
that since people were not used to this that someone had probably
tossed the flare at the child after the bang and the parents associated
it with the loud noise.
Dr. Grant then came up to us on the beach and
said that during his sick call the father of the child was upset.
then went back to the boat and told Dr. Pratt, who, in turn, told me that
firing of the cannon was inappropriate to the medical program.
talked to the Magistrate afterwards and he said it was not a problem
but because Dr. Pratt said so it would be better not to do it again,
I came back and told Dr. Pratt and Mr, Otterman that there would be no
more “cannon shots",

The whole medical

team and the Magistrate thought

the whole issue was a bit ridiculous but on balance I think it was wise
to discontinue this.
The plan that evolved was to get underway for Utirik about noon Friday.
Most of the medical team and some of the crew spent the afternoon on
the whalers fishing or snorkeling.

Select target paragraph3