Trip Report


of our blow ups, I and everybody else would provide every bit of support
possible at his request.
He then told me that by giving the children
the chewing gum we had already caused big problems to the medical
team because the medical team had agreed that there would be no sugar
in the gift food and that they would discourage its heavy use on the
My personal view is that a good deal of rapport was built up during
the day.
I personally rode the whaler back and forth all day, helped
load and unload people and coordinated with the Magistrate.
The whaler
to platform system worked beautifully.
BNL and the crew took ashore drinks, fruit, crackers,


and BNL

hosted a party outside the church.
It seemed to be enjoyed by all.
We returned to the ship about 9pm,
I then by chance came into a
small social gathering of BNL personnel and was told that Dr. Pratt
forbade any of them to have further discussions with me.
They also
told me that he seemed to feel under a great deal of. pressure in taking over
from Dr, Conard.
They were at their wits end and unhappy with all the
tensions on board.
I promised them that since my presence on board
was obviously part of the problem that I would approach Pratt and renew
my efforts to reestablish a better relationship.
To put a cap on the evening Otterman told me later that he had talked
the situation over with his Vice President, John Kocian,

and he was

prepared to sail back to Kwajalein after the completion of Rongelap,
call his attorney and bail out if things didn't change.
He and his
crew felt that they had been working hard for the program, established
excellent aloha with everyone on the medical team except Dr. Pratt.
They felt they can do nothing right in his eyes.
Otterman wanted to
force the issue with Pratt in this manner.
TI told him that while this
would certainly force something, I hoped he wouldn't do it as we owe
many people, most of all the people of Utirik, the services of the
medical team which they are waiting for.
JI told him also that for
12 more days all of us should do all in our power to support the
program and submerge our personalities to the greatest extent possible.
About lipm last night the Nicoloffs, Dr. Dekle, Doug Clareus, and some
crew shot some flares into the air for the children.

the cannon.
We checked first with Dr. J. Iaman
he thought the people would enjoy it.
This was
The people were very disappointed that we
PASO was not turned on to this but we certainly

They also fired

who allowed as how
confirmed the next
brought no movies.
must correct this next




I went to the beach at 8:15a on Tuesday and got a large patient flow
The crew rigged tarps between the examining trailers.

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