Trip Report


On Monday, February 5, all was calm upon awakening and the medical
team began setting up.
The crew started bolting and welding the two
separate rafts together.
Dr. Pratt asked why the rafts were not set
up the previous night while we were ashore at the meeting.
meeting hadn't started until 5:l5pm and the crew had worked late
loading and unloading gift food and had cleaned up and eaten dinner.
The medical team was ready to go about 9:30am and the rafts about
The first patients were aboard about 10:30.
We had 28
patients aboard by 2:30p.
It was decided that they would take no
more that day.
About 1:30p Mr. Otterman, John Kocian and I went on the beach.
gave out two small pieces of bubblegum and a small lollipop to about
40 children and we generally had fun with the children throwing around
a ball and taking pictures.
Then we brought 5 gallons of lemonade on
shore which was quite a hit on @ hot day.
At 3:00p while I was talking to the Magistrate on shore Dr. Pratt
came walking down the road and asked who authorized giving away of
chewing gum.
I said that I was involved in it and asked why.
He said
that medically this was bad because of the great amount of diabetes on
the island.
I asked him why then when we served the Marshallese
patients lunch aboard ship, were they allowed to drink sugared kool-aid.
I was surprised when he said he didn't know the Marshallese were going
to eat with us. All this after he made a special point of telling
Otterman and me that it was not good to eat in front of patients and
they were to be included in the lunch.
Also in the meeting with the
people I had given affirmative response to the request from one lady that
those persons leaving Rongelap on the TT vessel Micro Chief could eat
on board.
JI then told Dr. Pratt that I was confused with the
contradictory verbal orders and I wanted his rquests on this matter
in writing.
His letter to me is attached.
JI also told him that I
didn't understand that when everybody was working so hard to achieve
a successful mission he felt constrained to nitpick everybody to death.
He said that he wasn't nitpicking but was only asking for sound things
for the medical program.
He was extremely upset and said
"it would all be thrashed out in Burr's office".
Relations were strained
nearly to the breaking point by that time.
JI did tell him that in spite

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