Of 2t Rongelap children under 12 | pied, also took fallout from the March
See RADIATION, Ai, Col. 1

According to Interior Department


To Fallout From ’54 H-Test



1, 1954, explosion—is too radioactive

now for people to live on.

Bikini had been declared safe by


Where 175 rads was expected to


cause some short-term medical problems, neither that dose nor the much
smaller one on Utirik was thought
dangerousover the long term.

were dosed with radioactivity in 1954

sure, however, thyroid nodules, both

has been closely monitored by U.S.

government doctors in the 24 years.

Beginning 10 years after the expo-

malignant and benign, began turning

up among the exposed natives on both

since the fallout exposure.


Rongelap, according to scientists,
received » total radiation dose of
about 175 rads. But since the natives

Of 157 people on Utirik at the time
Of the fallout, eight have developed
thyroid tumors and four of those were

lived on the fallout-blanketed island

found to be cancerous.

—eating and drinking contaminated

than those on Rongelap and doctors

for more than two days after the test
food and water—the inhaled and swallowed radiation doses to bones and or-

gans Such as the thyroid were consid-

ered much higher.


_Utirik, since it was much further

The Utirik cases have come later

Suspect the lower dose received may
take 8 longer time showing an effect.
Information on the new cases was

disclosed last month when Interior of-

icials aske
NKgress for an additional $600,000 to compensate the fall-

out victims who turn up with tumors.

Last year Congress approved a
$1,083,000 compensation bill to pay the
Rongelap and Utirik Marshallese
whoseillnesses had appeared between
1963 and 1976.
In their presentation last month,
the officials said two more cases had
_ developed on Utirik since 1976.

Five more cases are suspectedin na-

tives who were on the islands in 1954
,and who will be examined during a
medica] survey beginning this week.
In addition, the Interior officials
project that 10 to 14 more cases may
appear before 1880, when authoriza-

_ tion to make compensatory payments ©




comes up again for congressional review,


Collection Dos|peas Files

Box_/> Job 1326

Folder marsha/] Islands

Suly= Dee, [F7E


aording to AEC estimates made more

than 20 years ago.

the Atomic Energy Commission in
1969 and some 100 Bikinians had returned eight years ago. They will have
to be movedto anotherisland.

The health of the Marshallese who


from the site of the shot, received a
much lower dose—about 15 rads, ac




2. Al

:. q


years of age at thé timeof the explo-

officials, doctors in the last 18 months
have confirmed seven new thyroid
cases in natives who lived on Rongelap and Utirik atoils on March 1, 1954,

miles from their homeatolls.

exposed to fallout from a U.S. h

gen bomb test exploded more than 100


New cases of thyroid abnormalities
enntinue to turn up in Marshall Islands natives who 24 years ago

Washington Post Staff Writer

7 New ThyroidCases Linked | AL

atoll in the South Pacific.
The unexpectedly heavy radioactive
fallout from the explosion was carried |
by winds to Rongelap, 110 miles east
- of Bikini. A lesser amount of fallout
drifted an additional] 180 mile’ east to
. Counting the most recent cases, 33
of Rongelap’s2 82 inhabitants at the

ploded on the coral reef of Bikini. Five of them havé been ruled can-

thyroid problems.




tinle of the fallout have developed

whenthe largest U.S. nuclear weapon,
a 15-megaton hydrogen bomb, was ex-

By Walter Pincus

cerous and doctors believe many. of
the others would have turned malig-

tumors or problems, according to an
Interior Department official.

Thehealth problem of the exposed

“sion, 19 have turned up with thyroid

ThyroidCases From ’54. H-TestIncrease

peoplé on Rongelap and Utirik is but
nant had not the victims’ thyroids one aspect of the continulng controbeen strgically removed after the | versy over the lo ng-term effects of rafirst sign of nodules.
_ diatioh:
Last week, another aspect & the
In addition, the youngest:child on
problem emerged with disclosure that
the island at the time of the fallout
’. Bikini Island—which, though unoccudied of 1 bukemia in 1972.



Select target paragraph3