Ralph P. Jobason

Page 3

august 5, 1954

be operable (Watt, Baith), the doors may bounce (Felt),


may not operate (Grier), the air-conditioning wusy mot function (Colgate), the sereen rooms may be shorted (Watt), ete.23.>
The paragraph beginning at the bottom of the page, although


correct, might be aialeading to someone unfamiliar with planning

achedules for test programs. The deadline ef 1 May 1953 occurred
. Gaping UPSEOT-KEOTHOLE, the results of which affected much of the
ecientific planning for CASTIZ.
A mumber: ofprojects were adéed.
after this deadline and there vere, of necessity, muy changes in
the operational concept after that date.

This situation is bound

ph 2
Bection 2.4

Tat Paragraph

grax was bandicepped
"nis lack of information resulted in the relocating of many minor

stations during the construction phase to secure the desired lives of
sight, ereas of tidal wash, etc.


It is believed that the "19-pair” should be "l6-pair".
fhe installation of the Dog-500 (Yurochi) power plant without

ebelter is not considered a desirable practice for future operations although it might seen to have been a money-saving device.

Mention here of [O 7.3's diffienlties with the Eninman mole and

ramp might assist in obtaining funds fer better facilities in the

Only new model (water-proof) jeeps could mike this crossing

on some tides.

fhe bridge crane was & common commercial electric crane - net

Tnie building contained EP, VP and standard wiring and receptacles.
After “storage” add “of mnclear components".
aad the following: “Both sides of the slép as well as the slip
proper were dredged to permit berthing of three barges at the sane

Select target paragraph3