Pace 16

Pare 2)

In the third paragraph change “phenomenal” to “tsunami”.

Bection 1.2

At the end of the section ada:




2S LTT me —<


(7) ;


Section 3.4







Paze 29



Bection 3.8

‘Change “weight”



The last two sentences ere not understood. Action to handle
this emergency was largely guided by decisions arrived at in frequent meetings of key TC 7.1, 7.5, and Holmes & Narver persoonel
on the USS ESTES where they were quartered at Bikici, and at Parry
island vier Enivetok action was involved. Other task groupe and

the task force vere represented or consulted as appropriate. It
is herd to see bow coordination could have been closer or sore

‘What the “overlapping responsibility” is I do not know.
Secticn 1.2

Delste the introductoryphrase.


@hird Line from the bottom of the page - change “was" to

Pa-e je

At is suggested that the following be substituted for the last
seatence of the second paragraph:


"A large mjority of the minor scientific stations

were completed and occupied by the user in advance of
construction schedules. Beneficial occupancy of major

acientific stations by the users was frequently obtained

by the desired completion date.”



Ve consider that a facility is not completed until all work called
for in the plans and specifications is completed as opposed to the

interpretation that if the experimenter can begin moving equipmext
im on the day the facility was scheduled to be finished the contractor has "met the date” - ewen though the power systec may oot


Select target paragraph3