January 5, 1979


Mr. Joe Deal
Division of Operational and
Environmental Safety
Department of Energy
Washington, D.C, 20545
Dear Joe:

In your teletype of November 29 to Mahlon Gates (R291515Z Nov. 78)
and confirmed by your direct request at our meeting in Germantown
on December 13, 1978, we have been asked to supply the final
radiological dose assessment at Enewetak Atoll after the conciusion
of the clean-up activities. The Nevada Operations Office was at tne
same time asked to suppty a sample collection and analytical program
to supply the data base for the assessment.
I understand this
assessment is to be part of the verification and certification of
clean-up at the atoll.

The final

dose assessment, as indicated by

HQ, must now include an assessment of the potential doses due to

137Cs and 9°Sr as well as the transuranics.

We are willing to assume

this responsibility but several points need clarification:

Subsistence crops are essentially unavailable jn tne
northern part of Enewetak Atoll. As a result the final
dose assessment will be primarily predicated on concentration

ratios (defined as pCi/g in the plant fruit/ pCi/g in the
soil for !3% Cs, 398Sr, Pu and Am) developed from our research
program on Engebi (Enewetak Atol]) and Eneu Islands (Bikini


Current and future radionuclide concentrations in

the soil throughout the denth of the root zone are required
to produce this evaluation.
Radionuclide data in surface
soils are required to evaluate the resuspension patnway.

than the transuranics, data for other radionuclides are not

It is therefore necessary to develop a post
clean-up data base which delineates the radionuclide soil
concentration as a function of depth in order to complete
a post clean-up assessment.

We have as yet not received official taskina to provide the


This assessment will have to be done in conjunction with the

final dose assessment.
This | feel is essential
the critical nature of this final assessment.

in view of

pending assessment of Eneu Island at Bikini Atoll and the



various assessments associated with the recently completed
multi-atoll survey to which we are already committed.


Select target paragraph3