
Bathythermographs were taken at fixed stations, no pear was available for underway measurements.

These measurements, of great value in

establishing the state of mix of the uover layers, were greatly augmented
by BT's sent in from DDE which had been steaming in nearby areas.
A very interesting demonstration of the radioactivity concentrating
ability of marine life was made.

Two plankton casts were made in water of

“measured activity and the organisms were found to be many times more active

“than their medium,



Navigation during the later phases was largely determined by


outcome of the intensity monitoring.

The length of the trip was not limited

| by the ability of even this improvised gear to detect radioactivity but
rather by the ability of a single slow-moving ship to traverse significant
water surfaces before these broke up into eddys

md moved out of reach.

The ship returned on schedule, all gear intact.
Measurements Made
The planner puerents procedure, and personnel are itemized in the

original «ile: ompleted by Revelle, Isaacs and Folsom and circulated

on 27 April by Task Unit 13.


wes eiews os



Actual measurements (BBM
re modified slightly to fit field
Circumstances which then existed.
HycGrographic Stations
Eicht positions (see Fie. 2.7-1).

One cast to 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 500, 800 meters.
Four casts to 0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 maters.
Four casts to 0, 25, 50, 100, 175 maters.
Dual protected thermometers at all depths.

_ thermometers available).





(No unorotected


Select target paragraph3