In a conference with Dr, Kobayoshi on March 26, I in- |



formed him of my conversation with Dr. Bugher and his offer in etd

behalf of the Atomic Energy Commission to provide financial |. ~
support for marine biological studies directed at the long range ..

contamination of the Pacifie, Dr, Kobayoshi, through his
interpreter, expressed his appreciation for this offer but — «
did not pursue the matter further and has not approached me



With regard to fallout on the Japanese islands themselves,
it is to be remembered that the position of these islands in
relation to possible sites of weapons testing is such that the
Russian testing program is apt to produce more fallout than

events in the Marshalls or Nevada.

Sl. e

Estimating the Whole Body Dose


I doubt that 1t will be possible to make a, satisfactory

estimate of either the Beta or Gamma dose the fishermen received.’ .- :

We know that the ash fell in such quantities that the deck of:
the ship became white, and there was sufficient material to
develop visible footprints. Unfortunately, this is the limit

of our information on how much ash fell and how long it remained -- 7

on the ship, The fishermen washed the decks in order to remove_
the ash and according to thelr reports their washing was effective When the vessel arrived in Yaizu much of what remained was re~"
+ fas 7 er
moved. .


Measurements made by various investigators during the period:
between March 20-26 are in agreement. It is curious that the BetaGamma ratio is about 1. This would indicate that the bulk of the ash’
had by this time penetrated to the porous wood structure of the.
Geck, thus absorbing the Betas, The Gamma radiation over most of -the ship was approximately 40 mr. per hour when the ship arrived ~~
in port. If we extrapolate this back to H + 3 hours, the time -°
che ash began to fall, the integrated Gamma dose is about 100 R,
Jf course, the ash was falling from H plus 3 hours to about H plus
¢ hours,

If we take the mid-point of this period as the start,

ef exposure we find the exposure is about 70 R.- This, however,
estimates the whole body Gamma radiation from residual debris
still on the shiv when ‘the first measurements were made. The
accual dose could have been 2, 10, or even 100 times higher depend-

ing on how much ash was washed off the ship and at what time, -



We have made a number of discreet inquiries in the hopes

chat photographic film might have been’ available eboard the ship

and might possibly be used as a dosimeter,

have been negative.


All efforts to date

Deposition of Internal Emitters



There was an urgent requirement to evaluate the extent to -

which fission products had been absorbed into the tissues of the

fishermen. As mentioned earlier, Dr, Nakaidzumi had concluded:
from his mouse experiment that the prognosis for the fishermen was_
eavercely affected by the propability of excessive deposition of long-lived bone-seeking isotopes, The Japanese scientists were: Devet
desperately looking for an agent to mobilize these isotopes and-.1





Select target paragraph3