Brig. den. K. E. Fields


in 8 1952

Copies of Items 1, 2, and 2? were furnished you “Sibseeor to

Item 4.

A copy of Ttem 6 was forwarded to your


dm orfcin:1

Copies of Items 7, &, 9, anc 10 are enclosed hererth.

Dr. Fromn's letter of May 17 provides answers toBeiStaine raised

in your teletype o° Mey &. It will be noted thet present stetus of
plemninz dees not permit specific answers to most of the questions.

Dr. Bradbury's letter of June 4 relates to his previous letter of |

May § regarding everseas tests. The former letter iniicated tit |
drop tests woulc probebly not be utilised. The June 4 letter reve-le Gror tests are nov receivin: greeter considerrtion en? the
Los Alamos Scientific Laboretory now recommends thet the Tss': Force
maintain capability for delivery of test units if recuirec. It ie
suggested that the possible req-irement for delivery aircraft and
reletecd support be pessed slon: to the Task Force.

The possibility of reactivation of Eikini for part of Operstion
Castle reletes to comments of thet nature emanetin: from the Tes!
Force and your inform] comments to Filton Fex at Les Veges. The
Fielc Menoger, Eniweto): Tielc Office, has schedule? e reconn-is-

Eance survwe; of Bikini in the neer future to evaluete existins con-

Citions et thct atoll, The possibility of usinc other remote atolls
fn liew o Eikini ent tre problem o* returninc displ«cec people to

Eilini ere sutjects in which this ofice is interestec, bit hes

little informtion.,

It is requestec th:t this office be intormec

of the stetus of digcussions on these metters.
Off hunt, it ir
our epinion thet test operations woul: become efditionelly comlex
and more costly if severe! atolls are usec, although we recorrize
conditions wi:ich mictht meke this wcess-ry, “te woulc like to

perticipste in any discussions where r cecision to utilize Pirini

or other atolls micsht be mde,

1. Cy 48/9 ltr ata S/T
2. Cy 15/1 ltr dtd 5/24

2. Cy 30/8 ltr etd 6/11


Cy 1B/Pitr eta 6/4

CC: Or.Breas, BESL


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