
Discussed Bunkers on northern islands.

Radiation levels exceeded expectations - primarily 8.

What were the trade offs?

Leave as is?



Initial readings said bunkers were within ANSI limits for

release to the public (600 cpm vs 1000 cpm).

Removed interior of bunkers and sealed the entrance.
Resurveyed - 2 exceeded limits on Boken (

Twice ANSI limit).

1 bunker has 2 hot spots - It might be used
as typhoon shelter. (7)
1 sealed and covered on Enjebi.


What isotope is present?


The dose from these bunkers is not worth talking about.

Probably Sr-90, but this has been arrived at by process of
elimination, since there is no gamma; we're not too sure.

JTG & FDC has a recommendation from DOE that indicates that it's
not a problem to worry about.

Monroe agrees with this but with two coveats:




Get a concrete expert in.

(This was done; he says that


Obtain evaluation from the Bair Group.

the building will stand for a very long time.)

He doesn't think it's a problem but is following the

Admirals order to raise it with the Bair Group to ensure
that the Group is satisfied.

Says he recommended to ignore it.
It is not in excess of soil contamination levels.

If his advise is not acceptable to DNA, then DNA should go to DOE
with request to involve the Bair Group. DNA should not go to
the group directly.

Select target paragraph3