

Whatever needs to be done should be done NOW before DNA
pulls out!
Send comments to Hollister.
Add to Thompson's comments.
Spell out concerns over the lack of a long range plan.


Discussed his comments regarding subsurface contamination.

To Hollister:

Send the Group's concerns to Hollister regarding the
long range management plan.

He should return it to the Group with his comments.
He should take it up the management chain.
To Clusen:

Generic concerns should be identified and discussed.

McClellan and Templeton:

Discussed role and issues of the Farm.

The data from Bikini is much more relevant than the Farm;
at Bikini there are coconuts, other plants, people counts,


It all goes back to DOE management.

There followed a discussion of the use and purpose of the farm and of
the Bikini data.


The farm is estimated to provide guidance within 5 years on how
long it may be before the people might return to Enjebi.
The 5 years are now up.


We must adjourn.


What about all the other items that should be discussed?
We need more than a 12 hour meeting.
We are not a technical committee, we're an advisory group.

Select target paragraph3