
October 3, 1978

1:20 PM

Advisory Group members present: Bair, Gilbert, Healy, McClellan,
Thompson, Wachholz (Bill Templeton arrived at 4:20)
Others present:

Madeline Barnes, McCraw

There was a discussion of the issue of ocean dumping per Richmond's comments
at the Livermore meeting and in his letter to Bair.

The history of the decision was reviewed and the positions taken by


DOE never advocated nor formally agreed to crater option.

What type of precedent does this set regarding other
islands (i.e., Bikini)?

A discussion by McCraw of his recent trip pertaining to the 13 atoll
survey was added to the agenda,
The Coconut Issue

Hollister/Deal/McCraw counseled not to plant coconuts in northern
OES would like a committee opinion.
McCraw: DNA feels obligated to plant coconut trees as identified
in the EIS,
40,000 trees total
13,000 on the southern islands
DNA wants to do this while logistical support is still
DOI wants it done while DNA is out there.

Kate thru Wilma (NW quadrant) are to be planted also (Case 3 of the

What is the Cs level at Bikini?

Select target paragraph3