Department of Energy
Washington, D.C. 20545

November 20, 1978

Dr. William J. Bair
Manager, Biomedical and Environmental

Pacific Northwest Laboratory
P.O. Box 999
Richland, Washington 99352
Dear Bill:

For your information and records, enclosed are copies of my notes
of the Advisory Group's meetings at Enewetak on August 22-24, 1978,
and at Denver on October 3-4, 1978.
(I have taken the editorial
liberty to modify some of the more colorful language.) Corrections
are welcome.

You have already received copies of the following:


A preliminary report to Col. Bauchspies given to him on
August 25,


Dr. Bair's letter and report to Hollister dated September 21,
1978, This is the final report following the preliminary
report (1) above.

(3) Dr. Bair's letter and report to Hollister dated October 23,
1978, following the Denver meeting.

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Bruce W. Wachholz, Ph.D.
Division of Policy Analysis

Office of Technology Impacts
Office of Environment

As stated



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