_ Colonel Coiner concurred and said he understood that in the transfer of
JTF-3 responsibilities to JTF-132 the failure to consult with the Commission
had been inadvertent. There was discussion of the organization of the new
task force; of the magnitude of ‘‘roll-up’’ operations to close out Operation
GREENHCUSE; and of the complexity of multi-agency responsibilities for
the conduct of Eniwetok operations,
After further discussion, the Commission:
NOTED that an information paper would be prepared detailing joint
and separate responsibilities of agencies associated with the maintenance
of the Eniwetok Proving Grounds and the conduct of test operations,
including the ownership of land and facilities and the budgeting for program
At this point Messrs. Uthus and Courtney entered the meeting.


AEC 264/85 - U.S. - U.K. - Belgian Memorandum of Understanding

Under consideration was a report by the Chief of Special Projects
recommending approval of a draft Memorandum of Understanding between the
Government of Belgium, the U.K., and the U.S., and of a draft Joint Communique announcing an increase of revenue accruing to the Belgium Congo from
the sale of uranium and setting forth the means by which the U.S. and the U.K.
will provide technical assistance to Belgium,
Mr. Dean reviewed briefly his discussions with Mr. Pierre Ryckmans of
Belgium and commented on the terms of the draft Mcmorandum of Understanding and draft communique which he said he thought the Beligians would
find acceptable,

After further discussion the Commission:

a. APPROVED the recommendation of AEC 264/85; and
b. AUTHORIZED the Chairmanto sign the Memorandum of Under-


At this point Mr. Spiers entered the mecting.

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