-~4Jericho Test Program, and test operation support.

Under the test planning section,

it is noted that detailed plans are being developed for extended series of

underground tests at NTIS, and an opensea Pacific series not requiring the use of
EPG as either a firing site or a staging area.

Livermore "believes that the

underground testing technique can be developed to the point where diagnostic
information wanxka comparable with that from above ground tests can be obtained.
Investigations are under way into new instrumentation and methods for obtaining

high quality data from underground shots."

This had led the laboratory to

develop a program of tunnel excavation for shots up to 30 to 40 kt with studies
under way for sites to contain up to 200 kt.

"LRL has assumed that, if Continental,

testing is resumed, it will be underground and that even if atmospheric testing
is permitted, LRL would plan to test underground for operationalflexibilityand

with the anticipation that at some future date atmospheric testing would be

Also noted is that studies are under way to develop ways of testing

in outerspace since this will be the only practical way to test megaton range
devices in the anticipation of an atmospheric test ban.
test diagnostics

A number of problems in

are being addressed and the Jericho program is aiming toward

tests possibly in the spring of 1960.

Further, in the area of test operations

support, a portion of L Division is supporting proposed Plowshare experiments as
well as preparations for possible test resumption.
The rest of the program letter addresses Plowshare, Sherwood, and Pluto


Several letters specifically on the testing program were written in the

next few months by the Director or Gerry Johnson.

The first of these on 16 April

59 from Teller to Starbird followed a message from Starbird on 13 April that
gave some guidance on the funding and preparedness limitations due to plans for

no tests in FY 60 but limited readiness capability.

Teller sets forth a test

Select target paragraph3