-15worked on with attention being given to equipment and techniques for certain
unique problems, such as line of sight holes, drilling into regions of elevated
temperatures and pressures, drilling of shaped holes, and drilling into radioactive

Also being studied are containment problems and in particular a plan

is being made for a proposal of an HE containment shot in granite.
Note that the status of Plowshare still had Gnome being planned to occur
in Aug. of 61.

As near as I can tell in this 31 page report, no mention is made of the 410

An update of the Livermore programs is presented in a letter from Foster to
Betts on 24 Aug. 61, 6£ the devices mentioned, only one!

awaiting resumption of nuclear testing."

"is now on the shelf

This is interesting in light of the

discussions with Nielsen which indicated a late decision as to using this device

for a nuclear test or finding any device that could be done on a short term for
a nuclear test in late Aug. and early Sept.

Foster notes that the Livermore

programs for a short, medium, and long range test program have been submitted to

DMA and also that the Gnome experiment will be ready for detonation in Dec. 61.

The final piece of correspondence in this folder is a 30 Sept. 61 letter
from Foster to Betts which references several messages from DMA asking for
Livermore's plans, proposals, etc.

This letter contains details of a planned

technical test program as well as device developments for the future.

I will

try to obtain a copy of this secret letter, No. BY 61~135, for our classified



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