funding under Vela Hotel.

"This would include x-ray as well as gamma ray and

particle background measurement using detectors, expecially developed for the
purpose, at altitudes characteristic of both high and low earth satellites."
Pertinent to the shift from readiness to Vela Uniform is the section:


connection with the device program and capability for readiness to test underground

within 45-60 days was being approached in the spring of 1960.
by the advent of the seismic detection program.

This was set back

Because of the seismic program

it appears that the B tunnel will not be available for a readiness program,
However, several sites in the E tunnel will be.

The lab has in preparation a new

proposal for a readiness program based on the assumption that the seismic program

will be carried out."
The lower level of activity and support for Plowshare is indicated noting

that Gnome is the only nuclear experiment for which construction authorization
exists and that funding reductions have caused discontinuation of high explosive
studies and a reduced level of certain feasibility studies.

"In the meantime,

we are determined to make Gnome as successful an experiment as possible, believing

that a single successful Plowshare demonstration may very well affect decisions

on the budget and authorization."

The next program letter came from Brown to Shute on 18 Jan. 61 and stated,
"Since the moratorium on nuclear weapons testing has been in existence now for
over 2 years, and may be expected to continue for some time in the future, the
laboratories methods of weapons developments have had to be adapted to the

Very much more elaborate techniques of calculations and nuclear weapons

design, along with a certain amount of laboratory experimentation have served
as a partial substitute for weapons tests.

The result has been very real and

important but considerably diminished progress in weapons design and development.
If testing is not resumed, we expect in the period thru FY 63 to proceed with

Select target paragraph3