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BOXNo, 2

Conrad - Uyle





Livermore's Director Files



"11-4.1 Program Letters" Folder
These are letters on the details of the overall Livermore programs which

go back all the way to 1956 and on which I will begin taking notes in 1958.
They are from the Director or someone on his staff to the manager of SAN in
most cases and in some cases to DMA.

The first letter of interest is dated 14 Jan. 58 and is the last such
letter from York as Director to Fidler.
the following major headings:

The lab programs are broken down into

Fundamental research; general weapons research;

specific device research and development; specific weapons development and
engineering (on which this lab is in the early phases of building up a capability);

test planning and evaluation; non-military uses (Plowshare had been initiated);
and other programs (Sherwood and nuclear propulsion-Pluto).

Note that in the

area of specific device R and D, some fair amount of thought and design is going
into cleaning up the devices
In the area of planned tests, 3 series
are outlined for 58: 58A at the NTS in the spring to include 1. point test only;
Hardtack at the EPG and 58B listed for NTS in the fall and including 1 point and
full-scale tests,

All of these 58 B tests are to be done underground and the

tentative list includes 5 full-scale tests,
It is stated that "By increasing the yields of devices tested by a factor
of 20 or so each time, it is hoped to reach the megaton range in underground

testing by 1959,

The radio~chemical measurements available in such tests remain

subject to question, but accurate yield and prompt diagnostics appear from the

Rainier test to be possible.

It is hoped that most or all of the UCRL tests for

Operation Trumpet (planned for 59) may be carried out in this way.

To insure

that this can be planned with assurance, a 20-40 Kt. yield shot should be made

Select target paragraph3