HISTORY FORM to review your medical history and have pertinent
information readily available during the examination.

It is possible that medical conditions previously unknown
to you will be discovered--as might be the case in any
routine medical examination.

Should this occur,

it would

not necessarily indicate a cause-and-effect relationship
between the ionizing radiation exposure and the medical

It will take a number of years before enough

information will be available to make a meaningful analysis
of any possible relationship between low-level ionizing
radiation and long-term health patterns.

Follow-up medical

Management for any newly discovered condition should be
accomplished by your normally utilized health care provider

or facility.

Additionally, veterans who feel they have a service-connected
medical condition may file a claim for medical care,

or compensation with the VA.
ments is enclosed


A brief explanation of require-

(Enclosure 6),

and more information,


desired, can be obtained from your local VA regional office.
Should you desire to submit a claim, we will be glad to
help you with research into the circumstances of your atmospheric test exposure.

Select target paragraph3