Enclosures 2-4 are a postage-paid envelope, a QUICK~RETURN

(to tell us whether you want a medical examination),

and a QUESTIONNAIRE (to provide us data on your nuclear
test participation).

If you desire a medical examination,

please schedule an appointment with the nearest VA facility,
complete the QUICK-RETURN FORM, complete or update the

QUESTIONNAIRE, and return them to us in the postage-paid
envelope as soon as possible.

If you experience difficulty

in scheduling an appointment, please advise us so that we
can assist you.
tion performed,

Should you elect not have the medical examinathis does not preclude your requesting an

examination at a later date, and we would appreciate your
returning the completed QUICK-RETURN FORM and QUESTIONNAIRE



Enclosure 5 is a letter to the physician who will perform
the examination, and should be presented by you to the examining physician at the time of your appointment.

The attachment

to the letter for the physician is a MEDICAL HISTORY FORM.
You can save time and provide valuable assistance to the
examining physician if you use the MEDICAL HISTORY FORM
to review your medical history and have pertinent information
readily available during the examination.

Select target paragraph3