In reports of exercises researched to date, very few references
to the possibility of internal exposures have turned up, and in
these cases follow-up generally showed no contamination.

On the

other hand, many references have been found which indicate that
at the time it was not necessary to exercise available contingency
plans for particulate radioactivity.

Several studies, some of which were conducted during the testing
and others which were conducted subsequent to the testing, have
shown that in many types of circumstances,

if any significant

amount of alpha particles had been inhaled the film badge readings
for gamma radiation would have been quite high.

The very nature of the alpha-emitting isotopes’ iong radiological
half-life and long biological half-life, which leads to a long-

term dose commitment when taken internally, also permits detection
long after inhalation or ingestion.

If alpha particles had been

inhaled by participants during the 1950's at levels which are
thought to result in biological effects, clear evidence could be
found in their bodies today through bioassay and whole-body measurements of radioactivity.

Select target paragraph3