at aeh ee lle ee eT eele
ee Ae


that they confront in regards to the radiation end its effects.

-6¢ Sons yeers oso, tha ESDA doctora dismveread thet a mmber of ths Utirik

‘poople had adult-onset diabetes, and said that 25% of the people had the

a) Wey haven't the EPDA doctors given medicine to the people who have the
Gisease in Utirik (cedicire:


b) Dre Xonrad Kotrady nad asked ths Trust Terrdtory Cov'te (in Majuro) for
the nedicine (Dicbirase), and they refused to give hin any for the

people of Utirik, and therefore, the people with this cisease nava not
been properly trenatede

7s Ab present, the people of Utdrik bars mich fear of the radiation that cans
fron the bomb;

' a) Therefore the peoples of Utdrik feel ths necd to have comeone eens out
and cdo o study of Utirik for possible lingering raciation,.

b) Ths peovle of Utirlk feel that thelr arrowroot has teen danared as
result of ths radiation.

At present ths arrowroot stalis measure ors

As you com see, ths peonle of Utirtk are very distressed and encry 23 &

result of the radiation.

Vast charres.


Atijo Alea ~ Scribs



te ee ee

The pempla feel that the ENDA Progran is in need at


TT me cecererern manana an ae meena ate Sty mnBA EN A eS le
pe ee eee



Loot, whereas before the radiation they measured Iive Leete


Robert A. Conard, H.D., ERDA
Roepe Charles Dorinsk, Concresa of Micronesia
Reps Ateji Volos, Congrosa of Micronesia
Bone Olympin Eorja, Congress or ticronesta
Iiste Ad. Oscar Dobrmm, Marshalls

-. poe Pred Zeder, Donte of Interior (US)
—_— Trusteeshin Council, United Natdona



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Aplos Kios = Iroij (thic?)


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