

The decontamination activities of the TG 7.5 Rad-Safe organization were

divided into two sections, the Personnel Decon Section and the Equipment Decon Section,

Personnel Decon Section
All personnel returning from RADEX areas were monitored at the check


If contaminated,

they were processed through the Personnel Decon

Station adjacent to the Rad-Safe Center.

Their protective clothing was depos-

ited into receptacles in the "hot'' side of the decon center.
they were monitored again,

and if found uncontaminated,

After showering
proceeded to the

"clean" side of the decon center to dress.
Personnel decontamination was exercised when levels were greater than

7 mr/hr (beta + gamma) or 500 c/m/55 cm® (alpha) for outer clothing, or 1 mr/
hr (gamma) or 100 c/m/55 cm” (alpha) on skin or underclothing.

Equipment Decon Section
The equipment and vehicle contamination tolerances were 7 mr/hr (gam-

ma + beta) or 500 c/m/55 cm? fixed alpha,

(When no change in alpha contam-

ination level could be observed by checking the

was referred to as fixed alpha.)

swipe of a

100 cm” area,

Respiratory protective devices were main-

tained at a contamination level of less than 1 mr/hr (beta + gamma) or 100

c/m/55 cm* {alpha),



Select target paragraph3