

Preoperational Training
Prior to Operation HARDTACK a radiological safety course to train

Rad-Safe monitors was conducted by the H&N Rad-Safe Officer, with the assistance of the AEC Rad-Safe Assistant.
The basic training course, given to H&N personnel of various departments and divisions, totaled 24 hours, and was conducted at Site Elmer from
24 through 28 February,

and at Site Nan from 3 through 7 March 1958,


struction was given in elementary radiatioa theory, with emphasis on recovery party operations,

use of protective clothing, decontaminaion and opera-

tion of radiation detection instruments.

At the completion of the course 53 H&N personnel were qualified monitors and were listed in a monitors pool.
In addition a two-hour Rad-Safe indoctrination lecture was presented
to H&N supervisory personnel at all sites on Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls to
acquaint them with Rad-Safe principles, maximum permissible exposures,
and their responsibilities as work party leaders in RADEX areas.

General Procedures

Task Group 7,5 monitors accompanied nearly all work and recovery
parties involving TG 7.5 personnel.

These monitors were briefed prior to

departure into FULL RADEX areas, and were provided with an access permit listing the accumulated dosages of all personnel going on the mission,
A Summary Sheet of the D-day, D+1, and Dt2 day missions which were
accompanied by trained TG 7.5 Rad-Safe monitors during Operation HARD-~
TACK is shown in Figure 4, 1,


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