The bulk of the workload was on the 1600 to 2400 hour shift. Film badge
processing commenced at 1900 hours, and the IBM dosage cards were sent to

the IBM 704 for information storage at approximately 2300 hours,

A print-out

dosage roster was prepared each night for the previous day's film badges, and
an extra deck of dosage cards was printed for the TG 7.5 dosage file,


12, 000 film badges were processed for TG 7.5 personnel.
The Dupont Film Packet,

Type 559, with component films (502 for low

range and 834 for high range) proved excellent for the Operation, The ceresin
wax dip and vinyl plastic holder protected the film from the effects of handling

and high humidity.
The films were calibrated ona ''constant time,

variable distance" range,

and the calibration curves were checked for accuracy approximately every two
weeks. During the initial calibration a density inversion was noted, The area
under the lead strip had a darker appearance than the rest of the film.


igation indicated that this occurred only when the back of the film was exposed
to the calibration source,

A further check, however,

showed that the optical

density under the lead strip remained the same when the films were exposed
both" foreward'' and ''backward, "'

The Cobalt 60 calibration source strength was 8, 67 r/hr at 50 cm, as of
25 April 1958.

Radiation Exposure Guides
The total cumulative exposure guide for JTF-Seven personnel during the

Operation, as authorized by CJTF-Seven directive, was:


Select target paragraph3