affected the B-36 samplers.

The upper cloud lay far to the vest, while

the cloud below 50,000 feet lay within the cirrus to the south-east of
These aircraft had to sample below their maximm altitude

capability at positions where the presence of the bomb cloud could only


be inferred by. the detection of gamma radiation in flying above the


zero point.

cirrus. While sampling in the cirrus, they were unable to distinguish

collection results appear to indicate that mch of the radiation in-

tensity seen could be attributed to cloud shine,



Although it reported that the bomb cloud was completely obscured
by alto-cumulus and alto-stratus clouds at altitudes in the neighborhood

of 25,000 feet, the "fractionation sampler" (WB-29, Wilson 1) was the
most successful of the sampling aircraft on this "all-weather" mission.
Blessed by almost light and variable winis between 20,000 and 30,000
feet, it very systematically searched on instruments for areas of gemma
radiation to the north of zero point and was able to collect a normal




The sample collection results for ve BBE«000 are shown

in Table 11.2-1.

The samples collected on the ieeeeeO0t are given for

Inspection of this table immediately reveals that with the

exception of Wilson 1, the samples co

~—E DEee
2 ooo

~ possible, theoretically, to conduct a successful "all-weather" sampling
| Rission if favorable wind shear conditions exist and are accurately known.




altitudes or whether they were flying through primary cloud. Their

eee rman eo

whether they were flying in radiation shins from cloud at yet lower

Select target paragraph3