
The initial intensity levels of the panels were very low as the fall-out
apparently followed a different path than that indicated by pre-test planning.


Fall-out samples taken on the barge by other projects were algo very low in

The contamination remaining after decontanination by vigorous methocs
was very high and varied from L1% to 98£€ depending on the nature of the
construction surface.
The two most useful methods of decontamination, hosing and scrubbing,
were applied to the panels.

No further effort was cractical, because the

residual contamination after application of these methods was very low, dus
mainly to the combined effects of low initial contamination and decay.
The contaxination resulting from this datonation is of a very tenactous
nature and is more difficult to re-ove than the contamination encountered
after the


A difference exists among the construction surfaces in regard to initial
Contanrination levels and ease of removal.

However, the marked difference in

Contanination levels between vertical and horizontal or stanad ortaces MEE

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Select target paragraph3