Since there are plans to use the Nevada Test Site on a recurring

basis, it was felt that the AEC has no right to exceed established
accepted safc maximum permissible deses for people outside therange,
even if this means evacuation of some of the nearby populated areas.
It was the feeling of the group thet the public would better accept
continued use of the test site if the AEC were honest and straight
forward, by explaining the possibility of temporary evacuation,
rather than take the risk of injuring any outside persons, The public
has confidence in the safety of AEC operations, and nothing should be
done to lessen this confidence. Since the onlyg enerally recognized
safe maximum permissible dose is the 0.3r/per week, the Committee felt
that any plannedpeviation from this would be unwise. However, it was
felt that geste
over a lQ-week period would neither harm ane
one nor be inconsistent with the recognized safety standards and
practices, but certainly would provide operational flexibility. It
was noted that should an evacuation be necessary that FCDA might well
take a major role in it, if able.
Dr. Clark pointed out that operationally it was not impossible to
pre-warn people for an evacuation, but would involve some aspects of

Acting on a request from Dr. Tom White, it was the


opinion of this Committee that radiological safety criteria established
at ground level should hold also for aircraft passengers in military
and commercial planes.

Select target paragraph3