-5The Committee recommends that the surface shot be carried out first
followed by the scaled underground shot on schedule, unless some adverse
occurrence becomes evident, in which case the Committee would review
the evidence for further discussion.
These changes in criteria and recommendations are based largely on

the consideration of the study and oral presentation of


Dr. Gaelan

A copy of the written study is attached as Appendix I.

Dr. Felt pointed out that itwas the feeling of the Los Alamos

Laboratory Test Group that the deep underground test was unnecessary
from a radiologic:l safety point of view. This opinion was based on
their consideration of the Trinity data which most nearly approximatethe surface burst. He has constructed a theoretical model, scaled to
fit the Trinity data amd the conclusions of this work indicate that
the surface burst would probably be the safer, with the scaled underground being the second choice, and the deep underground the third. It
was the feeling of the Committec thet the selection in order of bursts
should be made on the basis of considering the shot one Imows most
about; thus, the surface shot which most closely repeats Trinity should
come first.
It was pointed out thet the height of the cloud is one of the
important factors to consider from the radiological safety point of
view. The higher the cloud the better the chances are for dilution,

dispersion of the radioactivity, and minimal concentration of radio-

activity on the ground due to fall-out. There is evidence that the
radioactivity is concentrated at the top of the cloud. The Ranger
shots showed that the path of the low clouds will be greatly dependent
on the terrain, The fall-out from the lower portion of the cloud will
be more dependent on turbulence factors, The higher clouds are sheared
and the radioactivity dispersed more quickly due to the higher wind
velocities, with grsater chance of predicting the stability of the
higher winds.
There was considerable discussion regarding the level of radio-

activity that outside populations should be allowed to take ~ a memo

by Dr. Shipman, Appendix II, was read by Dr. Warren.

Dr. Shipman

points out that an exposure of 5 to lOr is not likely to harm anyone,
and that this would be in line with the AEC emergency dose of lOr,

Select target paragraph3