. on,

A. C. Graves

June 28, 1951


Our lack of knowledge of the effects of retention of a given
number of active particles in the lungs devs not permit a
dividing line to be sect up between a harmful and a harmless
concentration. We are sure only that a zero concentration is
harmless, and a zero concentration cannot be guaranteed. In
view of paragraph 6 above, one mayexpect appreciable concentrations of small particles at any place and at my time beyond
some minimum following a shot.


Our knowledge of the effects of external y- and @G -dosage

is considerably more precise than is that of the effects of inhalation or ingestion.
Damage from both y- and /-radiation
may be expected from exposure to the products of a nuclear explosion, The radiations will be quantitatively related and the

more serious will be the y-radiation.

The severe -burns

noted on cattle near Trinity are a strong indication that these
same cattle were subject to @-doses of the samo order as the
emergency tolerance and possibly higher. For the present, the
gy~dose is the best criterion for judging the degree of radio-

logical hazatd.

Im the case of sporadic exposure of the kind

contemplated, in contrast with the repeated regular exposure
suffered by workers in radiological fields, the allowable dose
can, from the safety point of view, very well be raised to 5 or
10 roentgens (publicity considerations disregarded),


The theoretical model used to predict radiation levels as a function
of distance for various conditions of particle size, cloud height,
and wind veLocity is based on the following assumptions:

The wind is constant in velocity and direction from the surface
to the top of the cloud.


Directional and velocity wind shears are implied in the assumption that the cloud spreads horizontally 1 mile in 6.


Stoke's Law governs the rate of fall of all particles of interest.


‘The activity in the cloud at the time it begins to move away from
the site is more concentrated at the top than at the surface. At

any height the activity is initially proportional to h//?,

Thefraction of the total activity carried by particles of dia-

moter between D and D + dD is given by




Kx%a7* qx


and "a" is a parameter representing a mean particle size, and "K"
is a normalizing constant.

Select target paragraph3