
Small nodule at age 40 which disappeared under oral
thyroid hormone therapy.


This patient operated on in 1969 for removal of
an invasive adenoma; has recovered satisfactorily



(All the above in I and II who underwent surgery appear to be in
good health without evidence of recurrence.)

Surviving adult Ailinginae people exposed to fallout.
dose: . 69 rads external gamma irradiation.)


Total - 8


Adenomatous goiter removed at age 45; recovered and was on
thyroid therapy.
Died of influenza in 1968.

Surviving adult Utirik people exposed to fallout.
14 rads external gamma plus 15 rem internal irradiation.)
Total ~ 120

One person developed a nodular thyroid gland and

underwent surgery in 1969, As the tissue resembled
a follicular adenoma in frozen section, a total

thyroidectomy was performed; histologic sections
confirmed the diagnosis and upgraded tthe degree of
She has recovered satisfactorily.

2, ,One person with slight enlargement of one lobe of
the thyroid to be treated conservatively and observed,
One case of nodular thyroid has been found in a non-exposed Rongelap
woman living on Ebeye.
Thyroid surgery has been recommended for this
patient at Majuro Hospital,
No other instances of thyroid abnormal-

ities have been found in the control populations living on Utirik,

Majuro or Ebeye,

It appears that the exposed populations have stabilized so far as the
thyroid reactions are concerned,


Select target paragraph3