

product or process being developed or furnished under this subcontract,

Af ‘cin licu thereof the subcontractor provides the Contracting Officec a
list of such items or processes, and ‘furnishes d ets nor the purpose of
identifying sources, size, configuration, nat ienad attachment character:

tics, functional characteristics and performance requirements ( fOrmM Zit,
and function" data).



Inspection Rights
Except as specified in the subcontract schedule for specific items of
proprietary data the Contracting Officer's representative, at all
reasonable times, may inspect at the subcontgagror’s facility any
proprietary data withheld pursuant to par eth e. of this clause for the
purpose of verifying that such data prope
fell within the withholding
provision of paragraph e. or to evaluate work performance.


) Limited Rights in Proprietary Data (Supply Subcontracts)
wnat portion of the Subject Data delivered under this subcontract which

s-identified:- in the subcontract as. being “propria tary data" shall noc ba
disclosed outside the Government, or be used-ven whole or in vart, for
procurement or manufacturing purposes without permission of the subcon—

tractor except that such “proprietary data" may be used by the Governzent ~

or its representatives in comnection withbeemergency repair or overhaul of
an item acquired under the subcontracky€ ere the item iS not procureble
commercially so as to enable the timsry performance of the overhaul or

repair work; provided, howaver, that any other party receiving the "proo ri
etary data" shall contractually agree to the foregoing use restrictions
and to make no other use or disclosure of the “proprietary daca." The

following legend must be marked on each piece of.fproprietary data" so

limited either in its entirety or only partialyya
as to its contents at
the time of initial delivery to the Contractor or the Govérnzent:

Furnished under Subcontract No.

(or puctice Order No.


applicable) with Holmes & Narver, Inc., under its-prime contract with the
United States Energy Research and Development Admigistration end only
those portions hereof which are marked (for exas
Asby circling, under-

scoring, or otherwise) and indicated as being subject to this legend

shall not be disclosed outside the Government nor be disclosed, usad, or
duplicated, for procurement or manufacturing purposes, except as otherwise

authorized by contract, without the permission of
tion hereof in whole or in part.


This legend shall be marked on any reproduc


(Applicable only if the subcontract exceeds $100, ofp | or the Contractor has
determined that the orders under an indefinite anieity contract in any one
year.will exceed $100,000, ov a facility to be uni has been the subject of a


Select target paragraph3