
reports to such local office regarding employment openings
and hires as may be required.
State and local: government

agencies holding Federal contracts of $10,000 or more shall

also list all
office of the

their suitable openings with the appropriate
State employment service, but are not required

to provide those reports set forth in paragraphs



of employment




openings with the employment service

system pursuant to this Article shall be made at least con-—
currently with the use of any other recruitment service or

effort and shall involve the normal obligations which attach

to the placing of a bona fide job order, including the ac-—
ceptance of referrals of veterans and nonveterans.

listing of employment openings does not require the hiring
of any particular job applicant or from any particular group
of job applicants, and nothing herein is intended to relieve

the Subcontractor from any requirements in executive orders
or regulations regarding nondiscrimination in employment.


The reports required by paragraph (b) of this Article shall
be filed at least quarterly with the appropriate local office
or, where the Subcontractor has more than one hiring location
in a State, with the central office of that State employment


Such reports shall indicate for each hiring Location

the number of individuals who were hired during the reporting period,
the number of nondisabled veterans of
the Vietnam era hired, (iii)
the number of disabled veterans
of the Vietnam era hired, and (iv)
the total number of disabled veterans hired.
The reports should include covered
veterans hired for on-the-job training under 38 U.S.C. 1787.
The Subcontractor shall submit a report within 30 days after
the end of each reporting period wherein any performance is

made on this Subcontract.

The Subcontractor shall maintain at each hiring location copies

of the reports submitted until the expiration of one year after
final payment under the Subcontract, during which time these
reports and related documentation shall be made available, upon

request, for examination by any authorized representatives of
the Contractor, the Contracting Officer, or of the Secretary
of Labor.
Documentation would include personnel records res-—
pecting job openings, recruitment, and placement.


Whenever the Subcontractor becomes contractually bound by the
listing provisions of this Article, it shall advise the emp-

loyment service system in each State where it has establishments of the name and location of each hiring location in the
As long as the Subcontractor is contractually bound to

these provisions and has so advised the State employment
system, there is no need to advise the State system of subsequent contracts.
the Subcontractor may advise the State*system

when it is no longer bound by this Subcontract Article.



Select target paragraph3