
the concomitant increases or decre
She in social security
and unemployment


and workmén 's

compensation insurance,

but shall. not otherwise include any amount for general and
adrhinistrative costs,



or profits.

The Subcontractor shall notify the Contractor of any increases
claimed under this article within thirty (30) days after the
effective date of the wage change, ¢thless this period is ex-—

tended by the Contractor in writing.
In the case of any de~crease under this article, the Subcontractor shall promptly
notify the Contractor of such decrease but nothing herein shall.

preclude the Government from asserting a claim within the
period permitted by law.
The notice Shall contein a statement

of the amount claimed and any -othér relevant data in support

thereof, which may reassonabl {He required by the Contractor.
Upon agreement of the parties, the contract price or contract

unit price labor rates shall be modified in writing.


agreement on or determination of, any such adjustment and its
effective date, the Subcontractor shall continue performance-


The Contractor, the Administration'or their authorized repreSentatives shall, until the expiration of three (3) years
after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and
the right to examine any direct
é,pertinent books, documents,
papers and records of the Subegit ract.





The Subcontractor will not discriminate against any employee
or applicant for employment because he or she is a disabled

veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era in regard to any position.
for which the employee or applicant for employment is qualified.
The Subcontractor agrees to take affirmative action to employ,

advance in employment, and otherwise treat qualified disabled
veterans and veterans of the- Vietnam era without discrimination

based upon their disability or veterans status in all employ—
ment practices such as the following: employment upgrading,
demotion or transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff or ter-



rates of pay or other forms of compensation,
for training,

including apprenticeship.


The Subcontractor agrees that all suitable employment openings
of the Subcontractor which exist at the time of the execution
of this Subcontract and those which occur during the performance

of this Subcontract, including those not generated by this Sub-~
contract and including those occurring at an establishment of
the Subcontractor other than the one wherein the Subcontract is
being performed but exlcuding those of independently operated
corporate affiliates, shall be listed at an appropriate local
office of the State employment service system wherein the opening occurs.
The Subcontractor further agrees to provide such



Select target paragraph3