and during the period of retention provided for in d below and the Subcontractor shall afford the eee and Administration proper facili"
ties for such inspection andgyddit

Audit of Lower~Tier Subcontractor's Records. The Subcontractor also

agrees, with respect to any lower-tie “‘Sdbcontracts (including Lump—sum
ox unit-price subcontracts or purchgsy orders) where, under the terns

of the Subcontract, costs incurred are a factor in determining the
amount payable to the lower-—tier subcontractor, to conduct an audit of
the costs of the lower-tier subcontracto
a manner satisfactory to
the Contractor or to have the audit cond&ditted by the next higher-tier

subcontractor in a manner satisfactory’ to the Subcontractor,


and the Administration, except when the Administration elects to waive
such audit or approves other arrangements for the conduct of the audit.

Disposition of Records. Except as agreed by the Government and the

Subcontractor, all financial and cost Tees » books of account and
supporting documents, and other data epdencing costs allowable and
revenues and other applicable credits under this Subcontract shall be
the property of the Government, and shall be delivered to the Goverment

or otherwise disposed of by the Secon tracteg, ther as the Administration may from time to time direct during uD progress of the work or, in
any event, as the Administration shall Detect upon completion or terpination of this Subcontract and final audit of all accounts hereunder. Ex-

cept as provided in this Subcontract, all other records in the possession

of the Subcontractor relating to this Subcgatract shall be preserved by
the Subcontractor for a period of three D> years after final payment
under this Subcontract or otherwise digsised of in such manner as may

be agreed upon by the Government and the Subcontractor.

Reports. The Subcontractor shall furnish, gych progress reports and
schedules, financial and cost reports vga
EN other reports concerning

the work under this Subcontract as th@Contractor may from time to

time require.


Inspections. The Contractor and Admit

the work and activities of

tration shall have the right to

Subcontracter under this Subcon—.

tract at such time and in such magier as it shall deem appropriate.

Lower-Tier Subcontracts. The Subcontractor further agrees to require

the inclusion of provisions similar teéphose in pagagraphs a through

this paragraph pg of this Article inGAY Lover=th4

Subcontracts (in-

cluding lump-sum or unit-price subcdéntracts oxfprirchase orders) of any
tier entered into hereunder where, under the terms of the Subcontract,
costs incurred are a factor in determining the amount payable to the




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