









As used in this Article:


"All suitable employment openings" i clivdes , but is not limited to,

openings which occur in the follow)” job categories: Production and
nonproduction; plant and office; laborers and mechanics: supervis ory
and nonsupervisory; technical; and executive, administrative, and pre
fessional openings which are- compensated on a salary basis of less th

$18,000 per year. The term includes ful ~ time employment, temporary
employment of more than three day@’ ducation, and part-time employmen

Lt does not include openings which the contractor proposes to fill
from within his own organization or to fillqposuant to a cus Lomary
and traditional employer-union hiring arkbtigement.



"Appropriate of fitenakeEe state employment service system” means the
local office of the federdi-—“state rational system of public employment

offices with assigned responsibility for Sarving the area of the es-—
tablishment where the employment opening is. ‘to> berfilled, including

the District of Columbia, the Commonvealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, and
the Virgin Islands.


"Openings which the Subcontractor proposes to fill from within his own

organization" means employment oRenings for which no consideration
will be given to persons outs aNS the contractor's own organization
(including any affiliates, s Nsidiaries, and parent companies), and
includes any openings which the Subcontractor proposes to fill from

xegularly established "recall" or "rehire" lists.


“Openings which the Subcontractor propoxss - « . to fFi{il pursuant to
a customary and traditional employe gadaton hiring arrangement" means
employment openings for which no consideration will be given to persons outside of a special hiring arrangemene{Ydncluding openings which

the Subcontractor proposes to fill from atin halls, which is part of

customary and traditional hiring relationship which exists between

the Subcontractor and representatives of his employees.

"Disabled veteran" means a person entitled to disability compensation
under laws administered by the Veterans Administration for a disability
rated at 30 percentum or more, "Ora persoa whose discharge or release
from active duty was for a disabidity ‘incurred or aggravated in line
of duty.
Da .


"Veteran of the Vietnam era’ means g person (a) who (i) served on
Coa period of wore than 180 days,
active duty with the Armed Forces

any part of which occurred afteAugust 5, 1964, and was discharged or

released therefrom with other than a dishonorable discharge, or (ii)
was discharged or released from active duty for service-connected disabiliry i£ any part of such duty was peyformed after August 5, 1964,
and (b) who was so discharged or reledsetl within the 48 months preceeding his application for empLoymayt” covered by this clause.


If any disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnanchn believes that the

Subcontractor (or any firs t-tier sub-subcantragttir) has failed or refuses


Select target paragraph3