The Subcontractor further agrees

to include in all his

lower-tier subcon-

tracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the lower-tier subcontrac

agrees that the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his du
authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of three years aft:

final payment under the Subcontract or such lesser time specified in eithr

Appendix M of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation or the Federal Pre

curement Regulations Part 1-20, as appropriate, have access to and the

right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and
records of such lower-tier subcontractor, involving transactions related
to the Subcontract.
The term “subcontract” as used in this Article

excludes: 1) purchase orders not exceeding $2,500; and 2) subcontracts

or purchase orders for public utility services at rates established for
uniform applicability to the general public.

The periods of access and examination described in b and ec above,

records which relate to:


1) appeals under the "Disputes" Article of this

Subcontract; 2) litigation or the settlement of claims arising out of the
performance of this Subcontract; or 3) costs and expenses of this Subcon-

tract as to which exception has been taken by the Comptroller General or

any of his duly authorized representatives,



shall continue until

claims, or exceptions have been disposed of.


The Subcontractor shall

follow the provisépas of DMS

Regulation land all

other applicable regulations and orders Qf the Bureau of Domestic Commerce,
Department of Commerce, in obtaining coftro yied materials and other products
and materials needed to fill this Subcontrapet.



The performance schedules set forth in this Subgontract are based upon the
expectation that any Government-furnished props} y veferred to in the
Specifications of this Subcontract will be derivered on or before the date
it is reasonably required. “In the event chOt such Government-furnished
property is not delivered to the Subcontractor dYsuch time,

the Contractor

shall, if requested by the Subcontractor, detehwine if any delay has heen
occasioned the Subcontractor thereby, and ifWo shall grant a reasonable
extension of time for completion of performance. ghe Contractor shall noe
be liable to the Subcontractor for damages or Log of profit by reagons of
any delay in delivery of said Government-furnpéeed property, except that in
case of such delay, upon written request of the Subcontractor, an equitable
adjustment shall be made in the performance schedtf of this Subcontract,
or price, or both, and in other contractual proy}eions affected thereby,
in accordance with the procedures provided for
the Article entitled



Title to all Government-furnished property shall Shin in the Government.
Title thereto shall not be affected by the incorgeration or attachment
thereof to any property not owned by the Governfent , nor shall any such
property, or any part thereof, be or become a fixture or lose its identity



Select target paragraph3