executed voucher, and after the Subcontragtor shall have Furnished the
Contractor with a release of all claims yainst the Contractor arising by
virtue of

this Subcontract,

other thalaiws in stated amounts as

may be

specifically excepted by the Subcontractor from the operation of the releas
If the Subcontractor’s claim to amounts p ble under the Subcontract has

been assigned under the Assignment of Ckdzms Act of 1940, as amended (31


41 U.S.C. 15), a release may? also be required c£ the Subcon-

tractor's assignee.



The Contractor may order the SE ee chorAR WEL ting to.suspend, delay,
or interrupt all or any part of the work
such period of time as he
may determine to be appropriate for the @Unvenience of the Contractor or
the Government.


If the performance of all or any part of the work is, for an unreasonable
period of time, suspended, delayed, or intexflepted by an act of the Contractor in the administration of this Sub¢offtract, or by his failure tu
act within the

time specified in this


(or if no time is

specified, within a reasonable time), an adjustment shall be made for any
increase in the cost of performance of this Subcontract (excluding profit)
necessarily caused by such unreasonable suspension, delay, or interruption

and the Subcontract modified in writing acbordingly. However, no adjustment

shall be made under this Article for any ‘Suspension, delay, or interruption

to the extent: 1) that performance would have been.so suspended, delayed,

or interrupted by any other cause, including the

eile or negligence of the

Subcontractor; or 2) for which an equitable adjg@stment is provided for or

excluded under any other provision of this SubMontract.

No claim under this Article shall be allowed: 1) for any costs incurred
more than 20 days before the Subcontracgdf shall have notified the Con-

tractor in writing of the act or faleCo act involved (but this require

ment shall not apply as to a claim reSulting from a suspension order); and
2) unless the claim, in an amount stated, is agserted in writing as soon

as practicable after the termination of suc SX pension, delay, or inter-

xcuption, but not later than the date of Finva

payment under the Subcontract.


this Subcontract is subject

to the Renegottiz

the following provisions shall apply:


n Act of 1951,

as amended,



This Subcontract is subject to the Renegotiation Act of 1951 (50 U.S.C.
App. 1211 et seq.), as amended, and to any subsgquent act of Congress providing for the renegotiation of subcontractawNothing contained in this
Article shall impose any renegotiation obl@Yation with respect to this
Subcontract or any lower-tier subcontract hereunder which is not imposed

by an act of Congress heretofore or hereafter giycted. Subject to the
foregoing, this Subcontract shall be deemed dgrcontain all the provisions



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