

to require the Subcontractor to pex Sem the services again in conformity

with che requirements of the Subggutract, at no additional increase in
total Subcontract amount.

When s&rvices

to be performed are of such a

mature that the defect cannot be corrected by reperformance of the
services, the Contractor shall have the vight to:


the Subcontractor to jmmediately take all necessary steps

to ensure future performancegyof the services in conformity with
the requirements of the POA and


Reduce the subcontract pricagxo reflect the reduced value of the
services performed.

In the event the Subcontractor failsSpromptly to perform the services
again or to take necessary steps
“ensure future performance of the
services in conformity with the SYuiremencs of the Subcontract, the

Contractor shall have the right to either (1) by subcontract or other—wise have the services performed in conformity with the Subcontract requirements and charge to the Subcontractor any cost occasioned to the

Contractor that is directly related. to the performance of such services;
or (2) terminate this Subcontract for default as provided in the Article

of this Subcontract entitled “Wefault."


The Subcontractor shall provide and ymaintain an inspection system accept--

able to the Contractor covering the""services to be performed hereunder.

Records of all inspection work bi?‘che Subcontractor shall be kept com

plete and available to the Con&&ctor during the term of this Subcontract
and for such longer period as may be specified elsewhere in this Subcontract.

The Subcontractor shall give its personal sudgrintendence to the work or have
a competent foreman or superintendent, sat{élactory to the Contractor, on the
work at all times during progress, with aulshority to act for the Subcontractor.
Except as atherwise directed by the Cgntractor, the Subcontractor shall procure

all necessary permits or licenses an bide by all applicable laws , Tegulations,

and ordinances of

the United States paid of

the state,


and political

subdivision in which the work unde rythis Subcontract is performed.


The Contractor may undertake or award other syBgontracts for additional work,
and the Subcontractor shall Fully cooperate wth such other subcontractors

and the Contractor's employees and carefull gvric its own work to such additional
work as may be directed by the Con Er aC lO lay he Subcontractor shall not commit
or permit any act which will interfere wth the performance of work by any
other subcontractor or by the contractoyys employees, or other Administration~
authorized personnel.



Select target paragraph3