"Vendors" and "Purchase Orders" as used inthis Article shall be deemed

to include purchases only to the extentthat such purchases involve
special design or development for thigssiibcontract.

The Contractor may at any time, by a wrig¢fen order, and without notice to the
sureties, make changes, within. the genkral scope of this Subcontract, in the

definition of services to be perfortpd, and the time (i.e., hours of the day,

days of the weeks, etc.) and place of performance thereof. If any such change
causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the

performance of any part of the work under this Subcontract, whether changed
Or not changed by any such order, an equitable adjustment shall be made in

the Subcontract price or delivery schedule, or both, and the Subcontract
shall be modified in writing accotdingly. Any claim by the Subcontractor for:
adjustment under this Article must be asserted within 30 days from the date

of receipt by the Subcontractor of the notification of change, PROVIDED,

however, that the Contractor, if he decides that the facts justify such
action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior
to final payment under this Subcontract. Where the cost of property made
obsolete or excess as a result of, a.change is included in the Subcontractor's

claim for adjustment, the Contractor shall have the right to prescribe the

manner of disposition of such property. Failure to agree to any adjustment
Shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact witain the meaning of the

‘Article of this Subcontract entitled "Disputes." However, nothing in this

Article shall excuse the Subcontractor from proceeding with the Subcontract
as changed.
The Subcontractor shall be responsible Ke having taken steps reasonably

necessary to ascertain the nature andc}cation of the work, and the general
and local conditions which can affect

the work or the cost


Any failure

by the Subcontractor to do so will not relieve it from responsibility for
successfully performing the work without 4Jditional expense

‘The Contractor assumes no respoos ib 111

to the Contractor.

‘or any understanding or representa~

tions coricerning conditions wade by aQYvof its officers or agents prior to the

execution of this Subcontract, unless such understanding or representations by
the Contractor are expressly stated in the Subcontract.

All services (which term throughout thig
Article includes services
performed, material furnished or utils sd in the performance of
services, and workmanship in the pe G¥ymance of services) shall be
subject to inspection and test by the Contractor, to the extent prac-

ticable at all times and places during the term of the Subcontract. ALL

imspectians by the Contractor shall be made in such a manner as not to
unduly delay the work.



If any services performed hereunder’ mot in conformity with the
requirements of this Subcontract Qehe Contractor shall have


the right

Select target paragraph3