Since then, however, we have learned that:

The restrictions on the location of the first village and
of food crops were not followed.


The precautions the people needed to take to keep exposures
down were neither simple to understand nor easy to apply.


The effort to provide alternate foods to reduce use of

locally grown foods,

(to keep radiation standards from

being exceeded) was not successful.


The level of the people's understanding of precautions
needed to reduce and control exposures is not well known
but in view of their actions we assume it is very poor.
If food is locally grown and available it will be eaten by
some persons in spite of restrictions against its use.


The consumption of certain locally grown foods will be
determined in part by local conditions.
For instance, the
amount of coconut milk used may be influenced by the
adequacy of fresh water supplies (where there is a shortage
of water, people will drink more coconut milk).
damage can place coconuts or other terrestrial grown foods
in short supply thereby changing the diet, kind (source),
and amount of food consumed.

As for the intended purpose end use of the next round of
Bikini dose estimates, these will be used as the basis for
advice on whether or not the Bikini people should return to
live on Eneu Island.
Predicted doses, expressed as the highest
annual whcle body and bone marrow doses for individuals and
30-year whole body doses for tne population, from all eontri-

puting radionuclides, will be evaluated using current radiation
As at Enewetak, 50 percent of annual and @&0 percent

of 30-year standards will be used in evaluating resettlement
Doses from transuranium elements will be compared with

the 1 mRad/yr to lung and 3 mRad/yr to bone as presented in

EPA's proposed guidelines.

If the radiological data base is

adequate it would be most helpful to have dose estimates for
the three options listed below.
Among these, results for
option I are essential to providing additional advice to DOI.
Therefore option I should be given highest priority.

Live on Eneu Island - all food grown on FEneu plus fish. from

plus imported food

Select target paragraph3