

High Commissioner






(Roger Ray):

While it could be considered, we haven't seen any reasen before to do

it. The program was developed to benefit people and we have not considered
it necessary to pay for participation, which is on a voluntary basis.
I see

no justification to pay for participating if a person is on his home island.
(Tomaki Juda):

If people return to Eneu and monitoring occurs (before no one had taken

blood samples), the blood sampling is new and is a vital
something from our body.
Can this be compensated?


We're giving

(Roger Ray):
We don't have any new program of taking blood.
I{f taken it is for general
health examinations.
Radiological tests are done by whole body count and urine
Blood, if taken, is for general health and for your benefit.
might be used to test for diabetes, etc.
| see no reason for compensation,

but if it is a concern of yours, we will relate it to the proper authorities.

(To Gordon Law):When can we leave?



(Gordon Law):

When people make the decision they want to leave, it's my job to make

Older man):

America brought us here.

that as soon as possibJe.
To do it right, it has to be planned.with the
people's help and cooperation, and they need to tell us what they want.

to move.

{ cannot leave without America saying for us

Ididn't ask to come here,

|! stay here where you put me until you

tell me to move.
1 don't discredit the book.
1 feel it's accurate.
if my atoll is contaminated, |!'1l} go back if you tell me to go.
| await

your telling me.
years | will.

statement (G.



If you tell me to stay here for thirty years or one hundred

You tell me.

It's not satisfactory for you to tell me to tell


An historical perspective of today's situation is important.

told to come here and was brought here'to Kili.

This man was

Agreement is made among

people here that democratic government should prevail.
ttr's not the same
but not dissimilar to the United States.
So recently you have decided to
have representation itn Washington, D.C. through legal counsel, in Majuro
through your Senator, and in Saipan through the Trust Territory.
You have

decided that you're comfortable with representation. Democracy says the
majority is to be served by representatives.
1 need representatives to tell
me the number who wish to return, and |! want to support your freedom to
make that choice which is best for you.
! don’t want to rulje you.

Q(Older man):

| compare today's meeting to the meeting we had when we were asked

to teave Bikini originatly.
We were told by a person representing a country
of great power to leave so testing could be done. We were afraid we would
die if we didn't leave. We were told we would be taken care of and watched
We would be your children, and the U.S. would take responsibility.
We went to Rongerik and were poisoned by fish.
We then went to Kwajalein
and were asked to choose, and didn't know what to choase.
We ended up here
on Kili and were told we would be here until Bikini was safe and we would be

told to return. Wewere brought here to Kili. We are not happy here.
were shown other places (Wake for example). Nothing else Yooks good.
brought this book,


don't understand it.

throw it down.

Half of it's good, half is not.

How can you ask me to decide?



We want you to say it's

OK to return.
It's too much responsibility for us to decide. We want the
biggest U.S. bank to come here and be emptied.
That's the only to make a
The only thing that will help.

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