High Commissioner

Johnny :




WIT? you give us all reports from 1967 and 1968 up through the present?

i(B. Robison):
All reports are either published and available or are in the process of
being made available.

statement (Jibas):(Having walked to the front of the church so that he was face to face
with Gordon Law) | want to say to Law, I'm ready to return to Eneu.
| want
to go to Eneuy with others of my family.
1 understand you will provide food.
\(Gerdon Law):

if that is your decision this venerable gentleman will be returned and

food will be provided;

{ will help you do it and help you with the restric-

statement (Jibas):(To the gathering of Bikinians) Those who wish to follow me raise your




About five, mostly old people, raised their hands, according to Judy

Knape's count.

Scott Stege counted about ten, including Andrew Jakeo,


We wish to meet further among ourselves and consider the information you

Q(Gordon Law):

There are fifty-six Bikini people here in this church now.

(Young man) have given us.

While |

have no intent nor desire to do. anything to divide or question the authority

of your representatives, are these fifty-six people assembled ia the church
here truly representative of all 900 Bikinians?

A(Henchi Balos): My opinion is that there are perhaps fifty heads of families qualified
to speak for their families among the Bikinians.
! dan't know how many of
those fifty family heads are here. A few women are here.
1 think there are
enough here to speak but | would ask Tomaki Juda to respond also.

A(Tomaki Juda):
1 feel that the representation that is here, all of the Council being
present, are those who are authorized to make community decisions. We
also have other family heads and others sufficient to make decisions for the
900 Bikinians.

Statement :
“ Jibas is a respected elderly gentleman and I support him and recognize
him as a spokesman. As representative of the entire Bikini community [ must

be in the middle and not support afiy one position, but | want both sides to
be recognized and am in the middle.
1 think this would be a good time to

have our Segal counsel speak,
Comments(J. :

It is difficult for me to speak on behalf of the Council.

[ft is quite

obvious that there are divergent views.
However, based on my discussions
with the Council, !'m certain that the Bikinians want an independent scien-~
tist to confirm DOE's assessments and only at that time can the Bikinians'
decision be made.
Assuming that the independent scientist would confirm
DOE's assessments, then at least one-half of the population will want to
return to Eneu.,
So we should proceed on the assumption that the independent
scientist will confirm BOE's dose assessment and we should talk about

resettlement on that basis.


Select target paragraph3